1:1 Coaching Call

Transforming the Toddler Years

The Blog


“Parenting is really one big, beautiful story and

I love telling it.”

Cara Tyrrell, Founder Core4Parenting
Keeping Kids Safe When They Have No Stranger Danger back to school parenting safety scripts skills

I looked at my toddler, smiled and said “It’s my job to keep you…” 


 “SAFE” she yelled with an ear to ear smile on her face.


From the moment my kids were born there was an inner shift. All of a sudden my only job was to keep them safe,...

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Back to School! back to school conscious parenting parenting

My daughter clung to my leg like it was her life force. I took one awkward step, knowing I had to go, that by staying I was only making it harder for both of us, as the teacher pulled my three year old off my body. 


She was bawling. And by the time I got to the car, so was I. 


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Stop Apologizing for Your Child's Behavior. Do this Instead behavior conscious parenting foundational skills parenting

Toddlers misbehave: at home, in public, at school.


They are small humans exploring the world and testing to see who will hold boundaries with love, consistency and compassion, regardless of where they are.


As parents, the urge to apologize for their behaviors is strong. But when you...

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How to Avoid Raising Overcommitted Kids conscious parenting family parenting raising children

I did not have sporty kids,  And I'm not going to lie, I was relieved.  I watched my sister and brother in law, who have three VERY sporty kids, lose their heads juggling the number of practices, games, and tournaments… per sport, per kid, every season of the year. 



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Mindset Shifts for Staying Positive When Kids Are Diagnosed with Medical Conditions medical issues mindset mom life parenting

My kids were medical kids. Seriously, Claire's first five years of life were peppered with diagnoses, doctors, specialists and surgeries.


After the stillborn loss of our first daughter, I worked hard to keep all her medical struggles in perspective, repeating this mantra daily: At least...

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The Digital Generation: Why Your Toddler's Digital Footprint Matters conscious parenting digital parenting first time mom kids and tech parenting parenting tips raising children

My three kids were born between 2000 and 2005. Their early years were filled with friends and family wanting to give them digital toys that talked, LeapPads, and hand-me-down Ipods. (remember those?)


And me, politely saying “No thank you. I don’t want them to think of...

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Why Sharing Really Matters conscious parenting emotional regulation foundational skills parenting parenting tips sharing

My husband is terrible at sharing.  I am not throwing him under the bus. It's true and he’ll tell you as much.  He doesn't like sharing food off his plate.  He refuses to share his tools. And, although he will eventually hand over a sweatshirt when I ask to borrow it, he...

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Time Outs vs Time Ins conscious parenting mom life parenting parenting tips raising children time out

How often do you get caught in the trigger trap reaction cycle? It’s so easy to do and hard to break out of! 


Reactions are live-time, high emotion, frustration point solutions. They're short lived, and you have to repeat them over and over and over. And, they often lead to...

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Why You Shouldn't Tell Kids to "Stop Crying" and What to Say Instead conscious parenting emotional awareness emotional regulation parenting

Toddlers cry. A lot. It’s their primary way of communicating, well – everything. 

How they feel. What they are thinking. Their opinions. And their preferences as their tiny-little belief systems develop. 

In fact, crying is a healthy sign of early development. Kids who never...

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Choosing the Best School Options for Your Child's Learning Needs conscious parenting education kindergarten parenting school


School wasn’t going well for my Kindergartener. Most spring mornings it was a battle to get out the door, followed by massive, puddle-on-the-floor meltdowns when she got home at the end of the day.


I knew something had to change for 1st grade, but how? 


I worked....

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My Toddler's Behavior is Out of Control. Do We Need to Get Them Tested? behavior conscious parenting emotional regulation parenting

I raised a challenging child with big, loud, audacious behaviors. Think puddle on the floor, screaming meltdowns that often went on for 30 or 40 minutes until she expelled her dysregulated energy, then – then popped right back up and reengaged with me, like nothing ever happened.


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My Toddler Won't Stop Kicking Me! conscious parenting core 4 emotional regulation foundational skills parenting

Today we’re talking about physical behavior with our kids, how they come at us physically and how we are going to manage that.  One of my clients who's a Transforming the Toddler, Toddler Years course graduate, still works with me and we work very deeply together monthly. Here’s...

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