Are you ready to Transform the Toddler Years?


Let's turn the daily tantrums into teachable moments that align with your core values as you raise whole kids.

(while also moving from the kitchen to the car without tears) 

Toddlerhood: It feels like it happened overnight!


One night you put your baby to bed and the next morning they woke up... a toddler!  
All of a sudden they are walking, talking, and sharing their (strong) opinions and preferences by having massive meltdowns.
They tantrum over the smallest things and you find yourself walking on eggshells so you don't do or say the 'wrong' thing to set them off.
You're practicing conscious parenting, but it's just not enough to keep your little ones from losing their mind when you give them the blue cup instead of the red one.
The toddler years have you stuck in survival mode when all you really want is to reclaim the joy of your parenting journey.  


Ready to turn your daily stress, chaos, and overwhelm to a state of clarity, confidence, and deep connection?

To break generational cycles by parenting with boundaries, dignity and respect so your kids grow up to be an empathetic, compassionate adult who adds value to the world.
You need a personalized set of strategies that grows with your child and I created it!
In my Transforming the Toddler Years course I teach my strategy-stacking system that turns toddler tantrums into teachable moments of true connection!
Tell Me About the Course

As a conscious, cycle-breaking parent

  • You know you want to raise a whole child, growing their mind, body and spirit
  • You try to stay calm and self-regulate. (deep breaths)
  • You get down on their level and hold space for their big feelings. 
  • You want them to feel seen, safe, and heard.
  • But you also want them to listen without throwing a tantrum over Every. Little. Thing!


You're tired of the constant meltdowns, communication frustrations, and extreme reactions to being told "No"? 


While also worrying that now matter how present you are they are growing up too fast? 

This is why I'm so AMAZED by you!

You are Parenting...







You're committed to raising a good human, a good friend, and a good student!

Before taking this course, Jamie was struggling with her three year old son. 🌟Listen to her powerful journey!  


Hi, I'm Cara!

Founder of Core4Parenting, Creator of the Collaborative Parenting Methodology(TM), your teacher and coach

As a mom of three girls, serial nanny, and classroom teacher I've worked with hundreds of toddler and preschooler kids and their families.

Parents would say to me, "I'm so glad you're their first teacher. They love school but at home, they struggle to manage their emotions and behaviors. So. Many. Tantrums! " 

The truth is you are the most influential human in your toddler's life. They look to you to learn how to communicate effectively and regulate their big feelings. 

You just need someone to show you how to create an environment that banishes your overwhelm, confusion and anxiety and embraces confidence, empowerment and a proactive mindset while fostering an unbreakable bond as your family learns and grows together.

My course blends my signature parenting methodology with science-backed strategies for raising kids who can thrive at home, at school and beyond!

This is your parenting journey.  I am your guide.

Imagine what your days would be like if...

You woke up knowing that your parenting day ahead will pose challenges, but it's okay because you're calm inside the confidence that 

  • you know exactly who your child is and what they need to succeed.
  • what stage of development they are in and how to best support their learning process.
  • you and your partner designed a personalized parenting toolkit of science-based strategies that work for your child so they get a consistent response from both parents.
  • And you have your own toolkit of mindful strategies that empower you to banish knee-jerk reactions and choose healthy responses.

💫This is all absolutely possible. You just need a roadmap to get there.


By the end of the Transforming the Toddler Years Course you will


💞Feel more deeply connected to your child than ever before

🧠Understand what's going on inside their brilliant little brain

💪🏽Be confident in which strategies to choose and what words to use

📚Know you’re giving them all the tools they need to learn and thrive at school


💞Soul + 🎓Science Based Modules = 💫Your Conscious Transformation

Enrollment is Currently Closed

Doors open on May 2nd, 2024! Join the waitlist HERE. 

Looking for 1:1 parent coaching? Schedule a complimentary connection call today. 

Module 1

The Magic of Mindset

 "The WHO"

  • Explore Nature vs. Nurture
  • Observing How we Relate to Others 
  • Learn the 4 Parenting Pillars
  • Explore Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
  • Discover Your Parenting Why
  • Set Your Parenting GPS

Module 2

The Power of Perspective

 "The WHY"

  • Explore the World of Perspective Thinking
  • Adopt a “VS.” mentality
  • Look closely at Reactions vs. Responses
  • Walk through real-life examples

Module 3

Your Baby's Brain


  • Explore the 4 Ages of Your Child
  • Take a look Inside Your “Baby’s” Brain
  • Discuss Milestones for Typically Developing Kids
  • Discuss the Power of Sleep
  • Set Reasonable and Achievable Expectations 

Module 4

The Language of Littles

 "The WHEN"

  • Define Language (expressive and receptive)
  • Explore the Many Types of Communicating
  • Hearing vs. Listening
  • Intentional Language Tips for talking to toddlers

Module 5

The Science of our Strategies

 "The HOW"

  • Proactive vs. Reactive Strategies
  • The difference between a strategy and a technique
  • Learn and Practice 12 strategies for collaborating with toddlers

Module 6

Stacking our Strategies for Success


  • Personalize your Parenting Toolkit
  • Practice using real-life scenarios and your Strategy Playbook 

And because connection is everything for  conscious mamas and daddies, you'll receive 3 free months, and then a...


 to join our monthly Graduate Program* exclusively for Transforming the Toddler Years alumni.

Monthly live coaching calls with familiar conscious mama and daddy faces, personalized to meet your current struggles. 

I'm Ready to Build My Personalized Parenting Toolkit 🛠️

Toddler Parenting Truthbombs

Tell me if this sounds familiar…
  • You're thrilled to be back to your 'new normal' but to say your kids aren't handling their transition well is a massive understatement.


  • You're still working through some COVID traumas (they watched too much tv, you yelled a little too often, and they aren't talking as well as your neighbor's child) but know it's time to focus on the here and now.


  • You know you need to release the guilt you're carrying, let go of the past and focus on how to help your child. (but you have no idea how!)


  • You've taken all the free workshops, follow all the right people on Instagram and do what they say, but it's not working!
  •  The teachers at daycare and preschool are sending home reports that your kiddo is being sent to the 'quiet corner' because of their behaviors.
    You don’t have to do this alone. And if any of those truthbombs struck a chord, this course was made just for you.

👇Listen to how these mamas and daddies went from feeling uncertain and overwhelmed to confident that they’re shaping kids who can be their best selves in the world! 👇


“We are balancing many things all the time!

We are trying to have the best career that we can have, because we spent so much energy and time preparing for it and then doing it.

We are trying to be the best partners that we can be, because we know the joys in life are better when shared.

We are trying to be the best parents we can be because we know that our children deserve that.

This is where Cara can help. In a part of our life that we know we wanted to get right, she coached us on developing the language we needed to help our young children. She helped introduce us to what is mindful parenting and put useful practices in place to help our family.

If you ever think I hope I’m doing this parenting thing ‘right, she can help.”

-Ayodeji and Emily Marquis

🥰Listen to what this sweet mama took away from this transformational course 👇

Before taking this course, and as my daughter turned 1, I knew behaviors were coming, but I wasn't sure how I would approach them.
As a teacher I have managed behavior of dozens of children all from different backgrounds, but I have never raised a child and instilled in them strategies to help them navigate social and emotional challenges that often lead to behaviors.
Because of this course I'm now able to think proactively about my daughter's behavior. I have a toolbox of strategies I can use to help her manage herself and appropriately express her desires to get her needs met. I also have strategies to help me when things don't go as planned.
I feel confident that I can raise my daughter to express herself appropriately and support her when her emotions become a challenge for her.

-Laura M.


Transforming the Toddler Years 

today and get

Level 1 Includes:

⭐6 Self-Paced Curriculum Modules

⭐3 Months of FREE Access to LIVE Group Q&A’s where Cara will provide real-time group coaching to help you troubleshoot and do her patent-pending💃🏽happy dance to celebrate your breakthroughs! 

⭐Personalized Parenting Strengths Assessment 

⭐Intake & Exit Assessment 

⭐Intentional Language Script Starters

⭐Strategy Stacking Resource Guide

⭐Your Personalized Collaborative Parenting Success Plan (fillable pdf)


Level 2 Includes:

⭐Everything in Level 1 PLUS

30 Minute 1:1 Pre-Course Call with Cara. She'll walk you through the Personalized Parenting Mission Statement Exercise and set your course goals. ($125 value) 

Two (2), 60 minute personalized 1:1 coaching sessions with Cara to ensure your most massive transformation. ($500 value)


**The TTTY Course 1:1 rate is deeply discounted for my students! Outside of this course personalized sessions are $250/hour. 

I'm ready to Learn Collaborative Parenting! Where Do I Enroll?

Pay In Full and Save!

$697 value



Pay In Full and Save!




I Need 1:1 Coaching Sessions!
Looking for Payment Plans? Keep Scrolling!

🥰Still not sure whether this course is for you? 

Then check out the major shifts these families experienced in their parenting journeys after joining 👇

Before taking this course, I hadn’t thought about strategies for nurturing my child based on their unique developmental needs, and how those might change over time.
Because of this course I’m now equipped with an entire toolbox of strategies including written scripts and techniques I can refer back to as new challenges arise.
I feel empowered and excited to face the coming months and years of parenting head on, with a proactive mindset.

-Julia C.

With Cara's help I was able to connect with my child on an imaginable level. I knew who I was going into this class but I did not fully know my child.
I've learned non-verbal cues to pick up on, developmental ready signs, sleep training strategies, non-verbal and verbal communication, child independence strategies. She has also educated developmental signs.
My advice for those thinking of taking this course is take it! You won't regret it!"

-Erica K.

What's Included in Your Transforming the Toddler Years Program?  

⭐6 LIVE Group Training Sessions working through the curriculum.  We'll be together on Wednesdays at 1 pm EST from  September 20th to October 25th 

⭐2, 60 minutes Group Q&A’s where Cara will provide real-time group coaching to help you troubleshoot and do her patent-pending 💃🏽happy dance to celebrate your breakthroughs! 

⭐Personalized Parenting Strengths Assessment

⭐Intake & Exit Assessment

⭐Strategy Stacking Resource Guide

⭐Your Personalized Parenting Toolkit (fillable pdf)

⭐Video Recordings of all sessions

⭐Access to the Private Community of TTTY Students

Listen to Kaci describe her family's transformation!

Ready to Invest in Yourself & Your Little One's Future? 

💵Pay in full and save! 

Level 1

  • $697

  • $597

Group Learning + Group Coaching

Level 2

  • $1097

  • $997

Group Learning, Group Coaching + 1:1 Sessions
Do You Have Payment Plans?

✅ This program is a great fit for you if...

  • you want to break generational cycles and design your child's early life experience with intention.
  • you recognize that you spend most of your time in 'reaction' mode and want to learn how to 'respond'
  • you're on a personal development journey, read self-help books, and love the term 'growth mindset'. 
  • your COVID baby is struggling to meet milestones and it's affecting their behavior.
  • You're committed to raising a truly world and school ready kiddo who will confidently enter a school environment ready to make friends and learn.

❌ This program is not for you if...

  • You are looking for 'easy-button' strategies that will work the first time.
  • You believe that people are born with limitations and will always be that way.
  • You aren't ready to do the deep inner work required to collaborate with your child so that they listen because they feel heard, respect you because they believe what you say, and will tell you anything because you tell them the truth.
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! I'm Ready to Transform the Toddler Years!

💵  Were you Looking for Payment Plans?⬇

⭐6 Self-Pace Curriculum Modules

⭐3 Months of FREE Access to LIVE Group Q&A’s where Cara will provide real-time group coaching to help you troubleshoot and do her patent-pending💃🏽happy dance to celebrate your breakthroughs! 

⭐Personalized Parenting Strengths Assessment 

⭐Intake & Exit Assessment 

⭐Intentional Language Script Starters

⭐Strategy Stacking Resource Guide

⭐Your Personalized Collaborative Parenting Success Plan (fillable pdf)

⭐Everything in Level 1 PLUS

30 Minute 1:1 Pre-Course Call with Cara. She'll walk you through the Personalized Parenting Mission Statement Exercise and set your course goals. ($125 value) 

Two (2), 60 minute personalized 1:1 coaching sessions with Cara to ensure your most massive transformation. ($500 value)


**The TTTY Course 1:1 rate is deeply discounted for my students! Outside of this course personalized sessions are $250/hour. 



Level 1 Payment Plan

  • $225 x 2

I'm Ready to Transform!

Level 2 Payment Plan

  • $425 x 2

I Need the 1:1 Sessions!

Level 1 Payment Plan

  • $375 x 2

I'm Ready to Transform!
  • $897

  • $797

A Couple Short 1:1's are Good!

Level 2 Payment Plan

  • $625 x 2

Yep! Personalize my Program!

Level 1 Payment Plan


$375 x 2

Let's Get Started!

Level 2 Payment Plan


$475 x 2

I Need 1:1 Coaching Sessions!

🥳Next Online, Live Course Starts May 14th!

2024 Spring Cohort ~ Limited to 5 Families

Scrolled this far and still on the fence? I get it. 🙂

Maybe you've bought online parenting courses before and not seen any results in your home.

Or, perhaps the idea of inviting someone into your parenting journey is just plain scary.

And you're right. It has to be the

✨the right person

✨the right program

✨the right time

Let's do this. Schedule a short 15 minute meet & greet with me to see if we are a good match to work together.

And be sure to follow my podcast, Transforming the Toddler Years, a free resource to explore my Collaborative Parenting Methodology!(TM)