How to Savor Moments

When my kids were one and three, the daily struggles were REAL and honestly, I thought it would never end.
“Two and four have got to be better, right?” My daily prayer, mantra style.
When I turned to my village for support they said loving, yet unhelpful, things.
Don't blink and you'll miss it.
The days are long, but the years are short.
This too shall pass. It's just a phase.
But let's be real.
When you're in THAT moment. You know the one. Your toddler is melting into an inconsolable puddle on the floor, yelling, crying, and crazy eyed. You know that they are beyond ‘reason’ so strategies won’t work.
THAT moment feels like a millennium.
The art of conscious parenting teaches how to stay present and observe the moment, even when it’s happening *gasp* in public.
Down shifting into self-awareness while my girls were actively escalating into Tasmanian Devils was easily the hardest skill I ever learned.
Intentionally parenting little people triggers your deepest personal development journey.
In How to Stay Present and Savor Moments (Even the Hard Ones), I explore these themes with the gift of time and hindsight that only an empty nester has. I share my out of the box strategy for how to stay present without assigning blame, shame or judgment to yourself, or to your kids.
And I tell another ‘full circle’ story from my time in Tokyo (see image above for a visual)
So if two is feeling harder than one, three is feeling harder than two, and somehow four feels harder than all of them together, this is your week to listen to the show and SHARE it with your parenting tribe.
Cara Tyrrell, M.Ed is mom to three girls, a Vermont based Early Childhood Educator, Collaborative Parenting Coach, and the founder of Core4Parenting. She is the passionate mastermind behind the Collaborative Parenting Methodology™, a birth-to-five, soul and science based framework that empowers toddler parents and educators to turn tantrums into teachable moments. Through keynotes, teacher training, and her top-ranking podcast, Transforming the Toddler Years, she’s teaching the 5 Executive Functioning Skills kids need to navigate our ever-changing world.
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